Terms and Condition

  • Terms and Condition

    • Agreement execution

      Usage of Website represent the user’s express and unequivocal consent for execution of the Agreement including these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the user acknowledges that any other subsequent or simultaneous commitments in relation to these Terms and Conditions are replaced by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions does not create rights for third persons.
    • Use of the Website

      Users are not entitled: to access and use the Website for purposes and by means which qualify as a misuse; to use the Website in a such a manner or take any action which causes or might cause damages to the Website or deterioration of the Website performance, availability or accessibility; to use the Website in any illegal, fraudulent or injurious manner or in connection with any illegal, fraudulent or injurious activity; to use the Website in order to copy, store, host, transmit, use, publish or distribute any materials containing (or related to) spyware, computer viruses, Trojan horse, worms or any other computer malware software; to carry out any systematic or automatic data collection activities (including, but not limited to data retrieval and collection) regarding to or in relation to the Website, without the Company’s prior written consent; to use the data collected from the Website for any direct or indirect marketing activities, including, but not limited to email marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing and direct marketing by post; to use the data collected from the Website in order to contact natural, legal persons or other persons and entities.
    • Limits of Liability

      The Company makes the Website available AS SUCH, WITH ALL ITS FLAWS and AS IT IS AVAILABLE, without any express or implied guarantee. WE ALSO DECLINE ANY GUARANTEE, INCLUDING ANY MARKETING GUARANTEE, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, ACCURACY FOR A SPECIAL PURPOSE OR NEED. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE RESULT WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED BY USING THE WEBSITE WILL BE EFFECTIVE, SAFE OR ACCURATE OR MEET THE USER’S REQUIREMENTS. The Company does not guarantee that the Website will be constantly available. If maintenance works are required and the Website is unavailable for maintenance reasons, the Company will inform the User when they access the Website. The Company will not be liable for internet/network drop and, in particular, for drops due to which the Website cannot be accessed following technical or other difficulties that the Company is unable to control, such as force majeure, third parties fault. The Company is not liable for inaccurate and/or untrue personal data provided by Users, particularly for those provided by minors aimed to create the appearance of being at least 14 years old. The User acknowledges that the Company has no control nor obligation to act with respect to: the content accessed by User through the Website; the content’s effect on the User, accessed through the Website; interpretation or usage of Website’s content by the User; the actions taken by the User after accessing the Website’s content; content or accuracy, compliance with copyright, legality or decency of materials/information found on the links to other websites, privacy policy and terms and conditions regulation applied by such websites. The prior consultation of legal terms and other information related to personal data collection is recommended. The rules contained herein are applicable only for information collected on this Website; damages produced by errors, inaccuracy or failure to update the information published on the Website and originating from external sources; damages arising due to a failure of the Website or from the impossibility to access certain links published on the Website. The Company is not liable for any indirect, special, incidental damage resulting from the use of or incapacity to use the Website. The User acknowledges that products or promotions published on the Website do not belong to the Company but to its business Partners, and that the prices displayed are given for information purposes and are subject to unannounced changes for which the Company bears no legal liability. Presentations displayed on the Website regarding products, services and promotions presented on the Website belong exclusively to business Partners which are fully liable under the law for the information provided. The User acknowledges that the Company is not liable for any loss, costs, trial, claims, expenses or other liabilities if these are directly caused by failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions. The User acknowledges that if prices or other details related to products/promotions of Company’s business Partners were wrongly displayed, the Company reserves the right to change the information displayed on the Website bearing no liability in this regard. User understands that images are displayed on the Website as an example, and the delivered products of Company’s business Partners can differ in any way both in terms of image as well as due to changes in the characteristics, design, and the Company will not be made liable in this regard. The Company guarantees the optimal Website performance only by using Internet Explorer browser version 9 (at least), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari.
    • Applicable law

      These Terms and Conditions are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Lithuanian law. The parties will amicably settle any dispute in connection with these Terms and Conditions within 15 business days as of the User’s written notice in this regard. In the event that the parties fail to reach an agreement, such dispute will be settled by the competent Lithuanian court. Consumers may not waive their rights under the law. Any contractual clauses that remove or limit the consumers’ rights under the law will have no legal effects on them.
    • Amendments to the Terms and Conditions

      This Terms and Conditions regulation was updated on 2021.10.01. SC OZAS reserves the right to revise and update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Therefore, please check the relevant section of the Terms and Conditions when you visit the Website, because it may have changed since the last visit. If you have any questions about the information contained in this page please write us at infocentras@ozas.lt. By continuing to use the Website after enforcement of certain amendments/supplements, the User agrees to observe such amendments/supplements. IF THE USER DOES NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING THEIR AMENDMENTS/SUPPLEMENTS, THE USER MUST STOP USING THE WEBSITE.
  • General Provisions

    • General Provisions


  • Processing of Personal Data

    • Processing of Personal Data

      The general legal framework governing the protection of personal data is the General Regulation on the Protection of Data no. 679/2016 ("GDPR") applicable in the European Union. The Website www.ozas.lt uses cookies. For more information about personal data collected by cookies files, User must consult the Cookies Policy available at Cookies Policy. You can find more information about the processing of your personal data for these purposes, including how to withdraw your consent, in Privacy Policy, available at Privacy Policy.

  • Intellectual property

    • Intellectual property

      The Company observes other persons’ intellectual property rights and requires users to comply with any intellectual property rights owned by the Company or third persons. The Website’s content and graphics including, but not limited to the entire textual context, technical sources of all existing and future services and facilities, are owned by the Company and/or its business Partners, as appropriate. These are protected by copyrights, trademark rights and other laws and treaties. The Company assumes no liability for the veracity of intellectual property rights owned by its business Partners and which are used on the Website following the latter’s agreement. In the event that the Website’s content includes specific reference to Company’s business Partners, either to their intellectual property rights or business activities pursued by them, namely marketing campaigns, products and services, prices, etc., the Company bears no liability for the accuracy and legality of such information made fully available by its business Partners, the latter bearing the entire legal liability for such content. By using certain Website’s specific tools, where specified, users assign to the Company their intellectual property rights including, but not limited to texts published on the Website, files loaded on the Website. Users must observe all intellectual property rights of the Company as well as of its business Partners promoted on the Website, provided by the legislation in force. Users are prohibited to use any image, trademark or sign belonging to the Company or third parties, if they did not procure the prior written consent of the legal holders. Users may view, download and print Website’s pages only for their personal use which is subject to the restrictions below or to any other clauses in these Terms and Conditions. Any use of content for purposes other than the personal use, may be done only with the Company’s prior written consent and by indicating the source of information. In this regard, Users are not allowed: to republish materials from the Website (including republication on other websites); to sell, lease or sublicence materials from the Website; to disclose to the public any materials from the Website; to reproduce, duplicate, copy or use the materials from the Website for marketing purposes; to redistribute materials from the Website, except for specific content or expressly made available for redistribution. Requests for using the Website’s content for purposes other than the personal use can be sent to Ozo str. 18, Vilnius LT-08243, UAB “Ozantis”, or by email to info@ozas.lt. These Terms and Conditions do not grant users any right, title or interest regarding the Website, content owned by other persons and published on the website, trademarks, signs or other intellectual property rights held by the Company. Considering that the Company wishes to improve users’ experience on the Website, it encourages opinions and suggestions; however, the Company may use comments or suggestions without any obligation to the users. Opinions and suggestions can be sent to SC OZAS address at Ozo str. 18, Vilnius LT-08243, or by email to info@ozas.lt Waivers and assignments No situation when the Company fails to act immediately to enforce one of its rights will be deemed a waiver to such right or its enforcement. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions will be held invalid or ineffective, the other provisions will not be affected thereby and will remain in force and fully valid being interpreted in the largest extent permitted by law. In the case described above, the invalid or ineffective provision will be replaced by another provision legally accepted that best approximates the Company’s initial purpose. This applies also for omissions. Users may not assign their rights in part or in full, pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. The Company may assign its rights to any of its subsidiaries or to any other NEPI Rockcastle group companies, or to any successor in title associated with the Website.

  • Definitions

    • Definitions

      Website www.ozas.lt Company SC OZAS - Lithuanian company, having its registered office in Ozo str. 18, LT-08243 Vilnius, Lithuania, registered under no. 126345741SC OZAS, part of NEPI Rockcastle group. Group Any other entities of NEPI Rockcastle group. The list of companies within NEPI Rockcastle Group can be found here: List of Group Companies User/Users Any user/users navigating and/or reading and/or using and/or signing up the Website and/or subscribe to the Newsletter. Agreement Means the Agreement executed between the User and the Company, according to these Terms and Conditions. Third Party Partners Third Party Partners refers to partners on whose behalf we communicate with users, and are divided into: tenants of NEPI Rockcastle group’s shopping centers, mass-media partners, collaborators and event planners. Third Party Partners do not have access to users’ personal data, except when the Company procured the prior consent of an User in this regard. Consent to Personal Data Processing Means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the Data Subject's wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the Processing of Personal Data concerning him/her. Data Protection Officer The Company will designate a person whose purpose is to inform and advise the data controller or the processor as well as the employees in charge of data processing regarding their obligations under the law, as well as to supervise the compliance of laws related to data protection and of controller’s or processor’s policies with respect to personal data protection, cooperation with the supervisory authority, taking over the role of contact point in relation to the supervisory authority regarding processing issues. The contact person of the data controller: Representative of the Company or of other NEPI Rockcastle group companies: duomenu.apsauga@nepirockcastle.com

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